Showing posts with label Accelerated Folders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accelerated Folders. Show all posts

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Acceleration Folder for Primary Grades

Hi all!

Last week I had posted on how to organize your student's work to accelerate them through their learning in the intermediate grades.  This week WIS has added acceleration folders for primary grades!!

Download this template FREE HERE!!
This format is A LOT easier to use with younger children who are learning to read and write.  Although it doesn't look like the standards PDSA chart, it is aligned with the Baldrige model which builds into the PDSA format.  The student identifies their learning goal, the teacher outlines how he or she will help, the child knows what he/she needs to go, and the results are tracked and reviewed for further acceleration.  Acceleration can help students who are struggling to be focused on their most important goals, or used for advancing students on an extended learning target.

Don't forget it is also useful to track the lessons the students used to be accelerated just in case you'll need to show the documentation later!  Activity logs are helpful and list the interventions used at different tiers!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  In case you missed the link for the freebie, HERE it is again!
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Sunday, October 20, 2013

PDSA Acceleration Folders

Do you PDSA in your classroom? Have a board for the whole class to see how they are doing as a group? Have you been charting data with some students still not becoming proficient? Check out the next step in implementing this data tool so individual students ACCELERATE with their own individualized Plan, Do, Study, and Act!!! 

Labels for the folders can be found HERE in either a "Star Student" Theme or "Space" theme!!

These folders are cheap to make and hold all the documentation for individualized goal setting, activities, and progress tracking for math and reading!!

To make the multi-pocket folder for both subjects, just buy two folders with inside clasps.  Turn one folder inside out and connect the prongs through the holes!

Labeling the inside of the folders will help everyone stay organized!
Labels for the folders can be found HERE in either a "Star Student" Theme or "Space" theme!!
In case your school is only beginning to use the Acceleration Folder to correlate with the PDSA boards, I'll give some more examples of what forms go inside each child's folder who has goals for "accelerating" through their learning whether it be because they are struggling or need to be challenged!

The first form is a miniature version of the class's PDSA bulletin board, made instead on a letter size paper perfect for pocketing in the folder!
Labels for the folders can be found HERE in either a "Star Student" Theme or "Space" theme!!
The form will guide the student through their plan (pick one standard to work on), how to "Do" their best with strategies and resources that will help them, "Study" their own graphed grades for progress, and reflect on what went well and how to improve for other lessons! 

Above is a student example of a child who was lucky on the pretest for learning to round, did not show proficiency on the posttest, but was able to earn 100% after filling this out and doing his "Do's" for Conceptual Refinement (a version of RTI or small group reteaching at our school).  The activity log listed as a resource on his PDSA is below.
In the folder should be an activity log to track what differentiated lessons are being done to accelerate the child.  On this form interventions are listed at the bottom to guide the teacher, educational assistant, or tutor through helping the child see if they are able to master the skill!  If the student is still needing additional special education help or advanced services, all the documentation is in this one place to supplement a referral!
How else are these Acceleration Folders helpful?  They are portable so the student can take them with them if they receive instruction outside the regular classroom and can be sent back and forth from home and school to show parents progress.  The pockets can hold assessment samples or easy reinforcement practice such as flashcards or worksheets for students to practice too!

Would you like a sample for free?  Check out the sample student-version of the PDSA board HERE!!  

Thanks for stopping by and have a great school year!!
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
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